Join the South Bay Striders

Membership is $12 a year. Membership provides the club with funds to host club events. Joining the South Bay Striders is easy.
Please fill out the . The completed form can be downloaded and printed. Please send a copy
of the form with your check.
Family members can also use the online form to personally subscribe to all club emails without the requirement to pay a separate membership.
Donate to the South Bay Striders
The club membership dues and award fees constitute only a portion of the cost of running the club. Please concider making a donation to the club. The ideal time is when you participate in one of our events. The donation jar is waiting for you.
Subscribe to South Bay Striders emails

You may also use the on-line form to just subscribe to our emails. These emails contain information on upcoming events and club news. We simply ask that you give us your real name and of course a valid email address. Every email that you receive will contain an unsubscribe link.
Subscribe to The Compass

If you would like to receive The Compass,
the California Volkssport Association's (CVA) quarterly publication providing state wide news and listings
of year-round and seasonal events, then click this
. (A new window will open).